Dear friends,I was so glad to see so many friendly faces for our monthly meeting this week where we learned about the plans for Virginians to celebrate the 250th anniversary […]
Dear friends,I was so glad to see so many friendly faces for our monthly meeting this week where we learned about the plans for Virginians to celebrate the 250th anniversary […]
Dear friends, We have a very important anniversary starting this year that will roll into next year! It’s the 250th birthday of the USA and there will be ceremonies noting every […]
Humpty Dumpty’s Theorem and Lessons in Political Demagoguery By Scott Daniels, PhD In a scene from Lewis Carroll’s fairy tale, Through the Looking-Glass,[i] Alice and Humpty Dumpty have a sophisticated […]
Dear friends, You probably know that for 8 years I hosted a very popular radio talk show on one of the oldest and largest radio stations in America. I’ve worked in […]
Dear friends The arrival of a new Presidential administration in Washington gives us a great opportunity to stop the mindless destruction of our historic public art and monuments, to fairly and […]
Dear friends Our first monthly meeting last week was a fascinating illumination of the good, the bad, and the ugly at the state capitol this year. Some of the important […]
Dear friends, Thank you for the letters and phone calls so many of you have offered to support the legislation our friends Delegate Wren Williams and Senator Glenn Sturtevant introduced […]
Dear friends,The inauguration of the 47th president, Donald Trump, is just one day away, and the coverage surrounding this historic event is sure to be thrilling! Our upcoming Virginia Forum […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, Let’s be honest- 2025 is off to a rough start. Fires on the west coast, shocking water shutdowns in our own capital city in Richmond and a very […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, Happy New Year! As we start the new year, I hope we will all make an effort to thoughtfully engage on the issues before us. A new administration […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, The new year always reminds me of the short period of time we have on this earth and how important it is for an educated and wise society […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, It’s not a coincidence that the time of year that most people love and cherish with passion is centered around the time honored ancient religious and cultural […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, Merry Christmas friends! We were delighted to welcome guests from so many backgrounds and faiths to our annual Christmas party this week. One thing we all share […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, “When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness” - Alexis de Tocqueville in Democracy in America This is the time of year for thanksgiving […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, I hope this message finds you well during this wonderful season of gratitude and celebration. If you’re already a Virginia Council member or donor, we can’t wait to see […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, As we approach Thanksgiving, I want to take a moment to reflect on the many blessings we share as a community. Chief among them is the gift of […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, This week our volunteer management team at The Virginia Council spent another full day planning events for 2025. It’s been a whirlwind since we started and we’ve certainly had […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, We are careful not to be a political organization but after the elections of last week it does appear clear that a large number of Americans are reevaluating […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, This email is reaching you on the eve of an incredibly important and polarizing election. I do hope that in the midst of the conflict and debate you […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, “Don’t wait around for someone else to save you, take action here!”Kevin Sorbo, actor and founder of Sorbo Studios In that one quote on Wednesday night at The Virginia […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, I can’t wait to see you this coming Wednesday night for Kevin Sorbo’s hard hitting Virginia Forum presentation about how Hollywood has gone from an industry designed […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, It's a busy time right now so let me share two quick things.Number one: we hope you'll join us this Wednesday, October 16, at 12 noon for our monthly […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, Last Sunday, we didn't fully know just how bad the destruction was in Virginia from the terrible winds and subsequent flooding from hurricane Helene. This week, Virginians […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, Hooray for Hollywood?I don't think so! But I will cheer for the few brave souls in entertainment who will break with the people who are ruining entertainment […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, I am so excited to see you at Wednesday's upcoming Virginia Forum presentation by Xi Van Fleet; the brave author who escaped from Communist China! There are […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, Perhaps you’ll agree with me when I say that the American political landscape has been troubling for a long time, but students of history know our people […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, The Virginia Forum's fall season is just two weeks away, set to begin Wednesday night, September 25th and our speaker couldn't be more timely. Xi Van Fleet- the […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, Summer is almost done and we enter the long sprint towards another national Election Day in America. Presumably our citizens will make a careful inventory of what […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, You know I was in Milwaukee for the GOP convention a few weeks ago and my radio job took me to Chicago this week for the Democrats […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, I am thrilled to announce that Xi Van Fleet will be speaking at The Virginia Forum! As a dedicated American patriot, she passionately educates others about the […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, I am thrilled to announce that Xi Van Fleet will be speaking at The Virginia Forum! As a dedicated American patriot, she passionately educates others about the […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, What do your kids, grandkids, neighbors, or even friends know about the history of our nation? For those of us over the age of 50 there's a […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, I am returning from a week abroad in very different countries. A few days in Tunisia. A few nights in Algeria. A long weekend in Paris, France […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, Many of us had hoped that the arrogant but barbarian attitude of the race hustlers and intellectual elitists to disrupt, move and destroy art and monuments would […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, The summer should give us all a short break to reorganize and reprioritize what we plan to do with our lives in the second half of any […]
The Virginia Council condemns in the strongest and most unequivocal terms possible the horrific act of political violence aimed at former President Donald Trump during his political rally in Pennsylvania, this […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, In celebration of our nation's 248th anniversary, The Virginia Council welcomes a very special guest as the writer of our weekly letter to our members and friends. […]
Dear Members,Thank you to the overflowing group of great Virginians and guests who joined us this past week for our monthly meeting focused on the destruction of art and monuments […]
This decision is a first step (of many) in putting a stop to the historical and cultural destruction in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Everything you need to know about the Reconciliation Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery.
You’d think that in Williamsburg, of all places, the foundational principles of Western civilization would be cherished and defended.
A piece of Virginia's history is under threat of being removed to satisfy the ideological objectives of a congressional "Naming Commission."
On November 15, members of The Virginia Council dove into the election results and various campaign strategies alongside our founding chairman John Reid, the president of WRS Consulting Aaron Evans, and business leader and former VA House of Delegates candidate Riley Shaia.
"The Virginia Council denounces in the strongest possible terms the vile, vengeful, and repugnant act of destroying in a blast furnace the Robert E. Lee statue that stood for decades in Charlottesville."
Refusing to be intimidated, event organizers scrambled again to find a third venue.
"Antifa exists only to destroy. ... But this is our hometown, and we will not tolerate it."
The Arlington Reconciliation Monument is in fact a time capsule carrying valuable historical lessons from the past.
Elements of Antifa in Virginia aggressively attempted to cancel our event by carrying out an organized harassment campaign on our venue. They even threatened the safety of our speakers and guests.
Journalist Andy Ngo has again faced the relentless push of cancel culture as his address scheduled this week in Richmond, Virginia, saw multiple venue cancellations due to pressure and threats from Antifa.
This goes far beyond "backlash" and into the territory of dangerous, potentially violent extremism,
The event featuring conservative journalist Andy Ngo was first canceled citing 'current political climate'
"Violent extremists resort to what they are best at and we will not be cowed," Ngo said.
The Westin (Marriott Corp.) has joined The Commonwealth Club, backing out from hosting the Virginia Forum with Andy Ngo at the last minute under Antifa’s pressure.
Reid stated that he had made the call to move the event to a "larger venue" outside the city of Richmond.
"The planned removal of the Reconciliation Memorial is misguided and divisive."
Investigative reporter Andy Ngo joins John Reid to report on criminal activity that very few (other) journalists are willing to pay attention to.
International network to work with Virginian civic leaders to promote liberty, prosperity, and beauty at the local level
"We just want an honest debate," the activists insisted. "We need to face our history and contextualize it," they claimed.
We were pleased to co-host a lecture in Richmond alongside Common Sense Society, featuring the British intellectual and well-known author Douglas Murray.
America is amazing not by accident, but by design. It is time we understood that design, and paid due reverence to the designers themselves.