December 6, 2023

10 Reasons the Reconciliation Memorial Should Remain in Arlington National Cemetery

The Reconciliation Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery is under threat of being removed to satisfy the ideological objectives of a congressional "Naming Commission," an operation that will cost taxpayers $61 million. Here are ten reasons why The Virginia Council believes the memorial should remain where it is, not be torn down or relocated:

  1. Taxpayer money should not be spent destroying war memorials.
  2. War Memorials should be honored, not moved or destroyed.
  3. Moses Ezekiel, the foremost Jewish sculptor in American history, created this as his magnum opus and lies beneath it.
  4. Grave markers reside on sacred ground and should not be disrupted or removed.
  5. Removal cheats future generations of context and truth of history. 
  6. This is a monument to peace and brought the people of the United States together after bitter struggle. It has been honored by all Presidents from 1914-2009.
  7. Contrary to the interpretation of revisionist historians, Reconciliation is an integrated memorial and is supported by many black veterans. 
  8. The history around the monument is being intentionally skewed, and its origins and full context are being dismissed in favor of a woke message of destruction.
  9. Removal harms military recruitment and makes light of soldiers’ sacrifice.
  10. The removal process is being conducted illegally and is outside of the remit of the Congressional Naming Commission. Cemeteries are off-limits.

Read our Reconciliation Memorial Issue Brief to learn more about the memorial's true story and the fight to preserve Virginia's history for future generations.

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