December 22, 2024

News from The Virginia Council 12/22/24

Dear Fellow Patriots,
It’s not a coincidence that the time of year that most people love and cherish with passion is centered around the time honored ancient religious and cultural traditions of humanity.

Even people who are not of western faiths embrace the lights, music, food and shared holidays off. Christmas time truly unites the society.

Imagine though if all of the things we love about Christmas and Hanukkah and New Years were suddenly declared racist and toxic and wrong.  If our favorite songs were silenced, holidays were renamed, and colorful trees were banned (as most manger scenes and menorahs already have been).  If the consequences of continuing to honor and acknowledge these traditions suddenly became social isolation, professional damage and perhaps even personal scorn would people continue to be brave enough to celebrate?

Slowly over the last few decades our society has become secularized during the holidays and other traditions and once revered people, symbols, and art have been banned.

Is this change an actual evolution of enlightened thought and cultural sensitivity as leftists proclaim or is it really an orchestrated denigration of a cohesive society designed to make it susceptible to a crushing radical cultural revolution?

At the Virginia Council we want to preserve the Commonwealth, not smash it. We want to help protect America, not fundamentally transform it. We want to inspire our children to respect their ancestors and appreciate the past so that they can deliver an even grander society to the future.

We are studying our history, protecting our best traditions, and educating and inspiring our people to value a society where ALL of our citizens can be prosperous.

Wait till you see who is visiting with us next year at The Virginia Forum and how we will expand our programs in both mission and region!

You can help us bring reason and responsibility to this chaotic and difficult time in our history. If you'd like to donate appreciated securities, we now have an account to make it easy for you (see the information below). Contact us HERE for more details. If you're able to make a tax-deductible cash contribution before year end, please donate HERE.
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! And thank you for your friendship and support!


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John Reid
Founding Chairman of The Virginia Council
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A Christmas tree in Virginia got a special tree-topper when a Barred Owl entered the home Thursday. The Animal Welfare League of Arlington posted two photos of the bird on Facebook.
"This beautiful Barred Owl decided to play Santa and drop in -- literally -- through the chimney of a local home and declared himself the newest star on top of their Christmas tree," officials wrote in the caption.
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If you are interested in donating appreciated securities, we now have an account to make it easy for you (see the information below).
Contact us HERE for more details.
Virginia Election Updates:
Virginia Assembly, Senate & Governor updates:
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Articles, News, & Quotes: 
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Interviews of Interest
LUNELLE SIEGEL With the Latest Update RE: RECONCILIATION Lunelle talks about the removal of the monument sculpted by a Jewish VMI graduate and what President Trump may do to reinstate it.
MIKE DICKINSON Reminisces About The Stoney Era Mike, a citizen journalist, discusses the dismal record of Mayor Stoney.
Just Preserves - Style Weekly An exit interview with Elizabeth Kostelny, leader of the nonprofit Preservation Virginia for more than two decades.
By Rich Griset
A conversation about what people listened to in the Revolutionary era — and how.
Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press Issues
The Virginia Council has been blessed with unwavering support from the community since its founding a few years ago. And we decided to add some new ways to thank you for your ongoing assistance in our efforts to educate and inform Virginians.
"Announcing The Virginia Council membership reward program. 
Sign up today on our website for the various levels of support!"
  • Member level: Simple membership is free when you sign up for our email newsletter or attend a monthly meeting.
  • Liberty level: For an annual contribution of $100 you get the newsletter, access to our monthly meetings and a commemorative Virginia Council lapel pin.
  • Patriot level: When you step up to make an annual contribution of $250 you receive first access to tickets to our annual Christmas and Patriot Parties, the commemorative Virginia Council pin, and the newsletter and monthly meeting access.
  • President's Council level: For a commitment of $1000 you receive the newsletter, access to our monthly meetings, 2 lapel pins, 2 invitations to both of our annual parties, and 2 VIP tickets to one Virginia Forum lecture of your choice.
  • We hope you'll find these rewards an added incentive to help fund our efforts to restore a full view of Virginia's history, monuments & role that government plays in our lives.
We appreciate all your support and encouragement and look forward to bringing you more compelling voices of liberty, freedom, and conscience over the next year.
To become a Liberty, Patriot, or President's Council member, please make a contribution here.
To volunteer, click here.
The Executive Board of the Virginia Council
The Virginia Council
Preserving Virginia’s history and creating a more prosperous future for all Virginians. 
Stay Hopeful. Stay Connected.
P. O. Box 5
Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103, United States
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